Saturday, 11 February 2012

Study time...

Afternoon, everyone!

I just thought I'd let everyone know that I am still 100% dedicated to reading, reviewing and blogging about the amazing Authonomy books and their authors...however, uni deadlines are really starting to creep up on me, so I have to prioritise my studies at the moment! However, I'm aiming for it all to be up and running in a few weeks time, when my major project deadline has passed and I can finally breathe again!

I've got a couple of ideas/suggestions for the first few titles that I'm going to review (and probably beg the authors to let me review them haha):

Jinger Barley and the Murkle Moon - by Lucy Middlemass
The Dark Citadel - by Jane Dougherty
The Withering - by Joshua Jacobs
The Revealing - by C.G. Harris

So that should keep me going for a while!

Will have something more interesting to say later, I promise...


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