Wednesday, 2 December 2015

December IWSG: Hitting the pause button

Welcome to another Insecure Writer's Support Group post! If you'd like to check out the list of participants, and discover more about this awesome group, you can check out the official IWSG website here.

I can't believe it's been a month already - where has the time gone??

In all honesty, I've been struggling with my writing this month. I don't think I've actually touched my WIP for about three weeks. It's frustrating not being able to write, but I do have (kind of) valid reasons. Mentally, I haven't been in the best place for the past few weeks - today has been better, but I'm not completely out of the woods yet, unfortunately.

But that's not my main reason for not writing - a few weeks ago I mentioned about how I was trying to juggle work, writing and doing house renovations, and wondering if I would have to give something up in order to get something else done. Well, in the end, it was my writing that I've chosen to put on hold for a little while. It's not a decision I've taken lightly - I still think of writing as being a business, and I know that if I want to be successful, I've got to work on it. However, my fiancé and I have been having a few discussions lately about life and what we want out of it. I don't want to give anything away, just in case it doesn't come off and I end up being disappointed, but at this stage, we got some very exciting (albeit tentative) plans for after our wedding next year. And in order for those plans to work, we need to get the house completely finished so it's ready rent out by the summer. As you can probably guess, this means that at this moment in time I've had to hit the pause button on my writing and instead focus on finishing the house. Which means that instead of coming home and sitting down with a cup of tea and writing for a few hours, instead I'm coming home and picking up a paintbrush and working most of my evenings.

Could I balance my writing with my house renovations a bit better? Maybe. I could always do one night on, night off and alternate between the two, but if I'm completely honest, I'd rather direct all my energies into one thing at a time. The plans my fiancé and I have is basically something I've wanted to do since I fifteen - and I know that if I don't do everything I can make it a reality, I'll regret it. I'm not giving up on my writing, no way - it's still the career I want more than anything in the world, and I'm never going to give up. In fact, I've been thinking of plot twists and the story structure for my second book while working on the house, so I guess that's a good thing. This weekend my fiancé is going out for the day on Saturday, so I've made a promise to myself that if I finish painting the stairs by the weekend, I can spend Saturday writing - I can't wait!

So that's my news. That's also why I haven't been quite as active online lately, although I am hoping to change that. I'm going to try and post up some photos of the house in the next few weeks too :).

Happy Wednesday, everyone!

How's your writing going this month? Have you ever had to stop writing for a while, in order to get something else done? Or do you see writing as being more important?


  1. I understand. Maybe all that painting will free-up your mind to focus on your book and plot ideas. So when you do write, whenever that is, you will have worked out a few things in your mind already. Usually when my life gets crazy, my writing is the first thing that goes too. Right now it's still full-steam ahead with data and my writing is suffering. I have been a bad writer:) I think it's exciting times on your side. Can't wait to see how the renovations turn out.

    1. Thanks Murees! Hopefully something if going on in that subconscious brain of mine to make it all worth while ;). We all need a break now and again, so don't worry about it :). I'll post up some photos when it's all done!

  2. I understand this totally. Sometimes writing has to take a back seat for a while. However, it sounds like you have some exciting plans ahead so good luck with the renovations. Whilst you're painting you can always be thinking about your WIP, keep a notepad in your pocket just in case inspiration strikes. I don't feel as if I've been terribly productive on the WIP front myself the last couple of weeks and I am suffering with a throat infection which isn't helping at the moment either! I'm sure we'll both get there though :)

    1. Thanks, Suzanne! I'll definitely be keeping my phone handy, just in case! I hope you feel better soon :(

  3. Like the others before me, I understand. I've given up writing until a major project was finished. I couldn't alternate between the two. Do what you have to do and then get back to writing.

    1. Thanks for the support, Diane! I'll definitely get back into writing soon!

  4. Sometimes you have to pause and tackle a big picture item. That doesn't mean you're not serious about writing.

    1. Thank you for the encouragement, Alex :). I feel like if I don't write every day, I'm failing, but that's not the case at all. I'll never give up writing, even if I do have to postpone it for a little while!


I love chatting and meeting new people :). Thanks for stopping by!